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Free from major gaffes


In an exchange free from major gaffes but unlikely to appease his critics, Biden was asked by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News how he would feel if he were to remain the nominee and lose to Donald Trump. “I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about,” the president replied.

In other responses his opponents may see as arrogant or out of touch, the 81-year-old claimed that he is “running the world” and no one is “more qualified” to be president.

Die Zeit:

Schwer zu sagen, in welchem dieser vielen Momente es am deutlichsten wird: Das wird nichts. Das reicht nicht. Joe Biden schafft es im Interview mit dem US-Sender ABC nicht, die Zweifel an seiner Amtsfähigkeit zu zerstreuen. Er hat offenbar nicht einmal verstanden, dass er das jetzt tun muss, soll seine politische Karriere nicht ein so tragisches wie unwürdiges Ende nehmen.

Keineswegs, weil es ihm an den kognitiven Fähigkeiten mangelte. Sondern weil er – wie auch sein engstes Umfeld, das ihn bestärkt, im Rennen zu bleiben – nicht sieht oder nicht sehen will, wie desaströs die Lage ist.

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Aber gibt es Grenzen? 🤔


Voraussetzung für die Einbürgerung ist ein Bekenntnis zur freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung. Bewerberinnen und Bewerber müssen sich auch zur besonderen historischen Verantwortung Deutschlands für nationalsozialistische Verbrechen und zum Schutz jüdischen Lebens bekennen. Auf eine verpflichtende Anerkennung des Existenzrechts Israels wurde im Gesetzgebungsverfahren verzichtet, auch weil dann genauer definiert werden müsste, welche Grenzziehung Israels genau zugrunde gelegt wird.

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Bold promises for the next term

Kommentare deaktiviert für Bold promises for the next term

Worst performance from a presidential candidate in history

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Are you now or have you ever been a Palestinian?

Kommentare deaktiviert für Are you now or have you ever been a Palestinian?

Seymour Hersh:

In days of telephone and email exchanges with public health and statistical experts in America I found a general belief that the civilian death toll in Gaza, both from the bombings and their aftermath, had to be significantly higher than reported, but none of the scientists and statisticians—appropriately—was willing to say so in print because of a lack of access to accurate data. I also asked one well-informed American official what he thought the actual civilian death count in Gaza might be and he answered, without pause: “We just don’t know.”

One public health expert acknowledged: “No clear and definite body count is possible, given the continuing Israeli bombing.” He added, caustically, “How many bombs does it take to kill a human being?”

Gaza was an ideal target for an air attack, he said. “No functioning fire department. No fire trucks. No water. No place to escape. No hospitals. No electricity. People living in tents and bodies stacked up all over . . . being eaten by stray dogs.

“What the fuck is wrong with the international medical community?” he asked. “Who are we kidding? Without a ceasefire, a million people are going to starve. This is not a debating point. How can you count something when the system is biting its own tail.” He was referring to the fact that the health system in Gaza—its hospitals and service agencies—”is being targeted and shattered” by Israeli aircraft and those responsible for the counting of the dead and injured “are themselves dead.”

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Julian Assange walks free

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