Monatsarchive: März 2020

Bill passed by the US Congress Friday night doesn’t actually guarantee paid sick leave to most American workers

New York Times: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi early Saturday celebrated passage of legislation she described as providing paid sick leave to American workers affected by the coronavirus. She neglected to mention the fine print. In fact, the bill guarantees sick leave only … Weiterlesen

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Corona-Krise Handeln

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Das bisschen Pandemie

Die Zeit: Unter den vielen bizarren Pressekonferenzen, die der amerikanische Präsident in seiner Amtszeit schon abgehalten hat, rangiert diese auf den vorderen Plätzen. Um den Präsidenten herum stehen hochrangige Vertreter großer amerikanischer Konzerne wie Walmart oder Google. Sie sind Teil … Weiterlesen

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US National Emergency and real-time metrics

Notice the ticker during the president’s press conference. No, it’s not measuring virus deaths, or number of Americans who are being tested.

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We are all Julian Assange

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Chomsky: “Bernie Is Vilified Because He Has Inspired a Movement”

Chomsky: There is another special thing about the United States — the militant, almost hysterical, anti-Left propaganda. For example, McCarthyism, which is attributed to Joe McCarthy, though Truman actually is the one who started it. One of its aspects — … Weiterlesen

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Varoufakis: Coronavirus has sparked a perfect storm of nationalism and financial speculation

Yanis Varoufakis: Before 2008, Wall Street played a crucial role in recycling non-US surpluses that were the repercussion of American deficits into global investment funding. After 2008, the refloated Wall Street could not perform that task, channelling much of the … Weiterlesen

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International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute condemns UK treatment of Julian Assange in US extradition trial

International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute Co-Chair, the Hon Michael Kirby: The IBAHRI is concerned that the mistreatment of Julian Assange constitutes breaches of his right to a fair trial and protections enshrined in the United Nations Convention against Torture and … Weiterlesen

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The definition of ‘resistance’ deployed at the start of their work by the team of archivists from the Bavarian State Archives involved in the project clearly indicates this widening and new emphasis: ‘Resistance is understood as every form of active … Weiterlesen

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Americans and Germans Differ in Their Views of Each Other and the World

Pew Research Center: On the core question of relations between the U.S. and Germany, publics in each country sharply diverge in their evaluations. Americans, for the most part, are quite keen on the current state of relations, with three-quarters saying … Weiterlesen

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Allein reicht das nicht

Spiegel: Ströbele: Rudi Dutschke wollte den „Marsch durch die Institutionen” versuchen. Ich auch. Weil wir uns nämlich irgendwann gesagt haben: Allein das ewige Demonstrieren, das Blockieren der Raketenstützpunkte und das Rütteln am Zaun, das allein reicht nicht. SPIEGEL: Denken Sie noch … Weiterlesen

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Bombing of Tokyo (10 March 1945)

Wikipedia: More than 90,000 and possibly over 100,000 Japanese, mostly civilians, were killed and one million left homeless, making it the most destructive single air attack of World War II. … There has been a long-running debate over the morality of … Weiterlesen

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